Blinken OSA Archivum
Blinken OSA Archivum

Parallel Lives – András Bíró and Iván Vitányi

Event Type: Film Screening
Start: October 22, 2024 - 6:00 PM
Venue: Blinken OSA, Arany János u. 32. Research Room (1st floor)
Hosting: In-Person
Language: Hungarian

Parallel Lives – András Bíró and Iván Vitányi

Film screening and discussion

András Bíró and Iván Vitányi had known each other since they were teenagers. The fight against Fascism brought them together in Oszkár Papp’s apartment during WWII. Two friends, two destinies unfold in parallel in this documentary made 11 years ago. On András Bíró’s birthday, we remember both of them, along with the interviewer, Iván Andrassew.

Parallel Lives – András Bíró and Iván Vitányi (2009)

Interviewer: Iván Andrassew

documentary, 75 min; directed by János Dégi and Angéla Kóczé

camera: István Dala, editor: Vanda Arányi, production manager: Viktória Gantner

The screening will be followed by a discussion.

János Dégi and Angéla Kóczé, with audience participation.

The program is in Hungarian.
